+46 707 79 08 31

Massage treatments

The massage is suitable for both active people and people with sedentary jobs. It is a deep massage with the aim of increasing blood circulation and making tense muscles soft and elastic.

It is an effective way to relieve and treat pain in the back, neck, shoulders and legs. The massage also prevents stress and provides relaxation.

I offer both 30 and 60 minutes massage treatments, and depending on which problems YOU have, I adapt the treatment accordingly. See price here.

Below you can see examples of methods that can be included in the treatment.



Electrotherapy is not to be confused with TNS or TMS. Spinal cord, neck lock, false sciatica and other acute conditions are treated with electrotherapy. The treatment provides continuous, flowing current that increases blood circulation, even in tissues that are normally difficult to get blood flow in. The treatment is pleasant and relaxing and reduces muscle tone.

Muscular training

A special type of stretching where the therapist stretches the muscles with the patient’s help. The effect achieved with the muscles is pain relief, relaxation and increased strength. Muscular training is also used to prevent muscle injuries.

Common symptoms

Acute pain conditions:

  • Lumbago acuta
  • Wryneck/Stiff neck
  • Mouse arm
  • Tennis elbow
  • Sciatica symptoms

Tension in:

  • Lumbar spine
  • Thoracic spine
  • Neck
  • Muscle-related tinnitus
  • Tension headache
  • Edema and tingling in feet and legs

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